

Filum maquínico et John Waters ... et our orphan Nietzsche


If Fredrich had lived long enoug h to see a John Waters classic. Or lived into the times enough to Read Henry Miller. Who who who   [ I Love Missing Images ]knows? what turnabout might've come?
Filum maquínico


Authentic? Look vivid and real to me. The spirit. Eternal returns the becomings trace expression of immanence in time

________________________Eternal Return

Nietzsche. The first articulate orphan Unconsciouser .

the ghost of Nietzsche.

Dance !
a man who sang sang and lived wrote wrote the Affirmative day and night.

the non first antipapa the unconcsious genus.the orphan . jesus. with soul of casear. the overman as desire machine. return of eternal. fire


follow yourself! is what I say! tZarAthustra to his friends!

the Nazarene died too young!

Yes and he didnt read Miller. AS N wld've had he lived. and Phillip K. Dick

 remind me to come back an add the john waters/ other image things.
