----------------------------------------------A good sample of bad writing/ writ. in schizodiscoursed ~
Indeed for every brain to go there's more to little. it's paring along soup , canned to her intent , "les reves des autres " sir, yes sir, sire to its hawk , calender of every amazing story,, board. not room and board to her thigh [s] baked bean. of Being & nothing she's told ,,
her dress ,,, here's the place, she came, inside her lenting thighs ,,, as wished her kilt,
lifting off, high over the grace of her be(coming) & coming again as any wave
Does you have written this previous be fore? previous to before? A beforellan. Abeforetoafter. Aft to her for'e and for'd to her decking in the trolloping soup ~
does, cursed by the sigh, a fell-down calender, spell me not true, to her wishing bone , no longer an I, to speak ,
_____________Is she twisted round the curlicue of its to be ~ ? become its ringsalve lover to blondewoman forward sauntering twitch to 'moi'. Pain in theback's not painin the arse.
,, s ,,, buster . like made the soup hefted spoon, putter'd the can, felt the tip fen, fenneled her root and "pan-can" missing to re not da in so re me fa so la ti do,
[you mean Doctor LaCan?]
is that how it end ?
O riding storm
grasping her heel
burled like a tiger ,,
to its told
she carried its mold outdoor
not bothering to shift the drag