he I in the texts which are posted here is not necessarily autobiographical or authorial. It's a common place among readers to confuse the I of a text ( poem, song, a novel) with a real person. I'm not suggesting that there are not autobiographical elements in the texts that I post, but am suggesting that there are other lines of which move through them. As a writer, indeed, I am interested in how writing is a trace which vanishes, leaving nothing behind.
Alors Le "je" dans les textes ici n'est pas necessairement autobiographique, mais le texte a tousjour un autre vie. Deleuze et Guattari parles sur les intensities qui nous traverse dans toutes domaines. Alors, c'est evident que ce passe aussi dans les textes d'un poet.
If that sounds unfeeling, I'd say the contrary is true, and that the art of self-portraiture is emotional in the extreme. Je pense que l'emotion existe meme dans le texte ou l'auteur a essayer d'eliminer une fausse sentimentalitie. C'est tout le notion de texte descrivez par Roland Barthes dans le celebre essai "From Work to Text". Je me rappelle pas le titre en Francais. En tout cas, in any case, "anyhow" commes les dames de Montreal dit, "anyhow" oui, yes, anyWAY, as the ladies, and the men say O yea, O yes, lets go dancing . Writing is a dancing. A fiction, a jeu de mots, les mots fait l'amour the word dance between bed and lover panting. So if I is fictional Si le je "est un autre" comme Rimbaud avait dit, le Moi est aussi fiction, lover of fiction. beds of desire. My kiss to you. Is preposition. Dariling Je. Qui whisper . In my alors. Kiss. diamond grow. Silver rues de Montreal.
Comme le caractere dit dans le film de Atom Egoyan
Bienvenue a Montreal....
Like that character in the Atom Egoyan film says
Welcome to Montreal.
The schizo bilingual tongue en transition.
--- Nota: any errors in grammar remain the fault of both languages split down their sexual selves. Not deconstructed enough. Alors. So then,