and “I’ll never be more than a mere poetic bug, a fragment of poetry.” interesting quote from the guy who authored so many book s and
to continue for a guy GASTON MIRON NOT Tzaara
who wrote so many books garnering so many prise and such acclaim, Eh/
what are the poltiics of literary recognition? what is its economy?
who pay them? do you? do they pay you?
readers ought to Be Paid
As Analysands Ought to be Paid suggested Felix Guattari in an essay of his found in the Guattari reader
translated by Gary Genosko Canadian sociologist and student
of Guattari
--------------------------------------- Down here I am speaking of Tristan Tzara Above I was
alluding to Gason Miron.I read his poetry en Francais one night to
Caroline. She wept. I wanted to make love with her,
bt maybe more her sister Mary-Lou.
1940-44: poursuivi par le régime de Vichy à Sanary et
par la gestapo à Aix-en-Provence, Tzara passe deux ans dans la clandestinité
à Souillac, où il collabore à des périodiques
issus de la Résistance.
Tristan Tzara, Le Surréalisme et l'après-guerre (Paris, 1948)
Le surréalisme et l'après-guerre
- Language: French Type:
Book - Publisher: Paris : Editions Nagel, [1966]
I__ How did you come on this wonderous books? you possess?
C_ in my travels I bought them compelled by a furor I didnt understand nor no need to , but a merely strong overUrged Need To ReadGrabEat Bookwords.
This become likewise a mouth to speak la PenSee to speak LaBouche comme Tzara avait dits.