

what goes|

1- Hey dude get it right. We dont have all the photos, right, but we do have some.


picture of me and Brigid _ low slung down bass _ electric around my hips... she's laughing her head off... Its me pretending to play the song WHat goes On ... by Velvet Underground.... Angela is pretendingto be Nico... imagine the pict ure's blog and white it 's a h

in the studio where everything's been burned away except her photos, some left o

ver digital ! no what are they called ... anaLoGICal

Fuck it that,s the STory of My Life

Hey. Here's a picture of my friend John Pippus, guitar player recently in Nashville ... seking fame fortune & legend

other legs and legends of poesy music drift in me head.

you gotta a leg , over that honey,
a garter belt on her thigh.

it glowed in the dark!

a monsoon on her petunia rage.

a page in her flowering den.

so it shifts its ease to the walk of the night.....

So if I aadd up the stuff saved from before the fire, and the newer ones,

we got about 4 solid pieces of about 12- 18 minutes each.

good start.

well, sort of . we need to re-do, some , and they are going to hate me for this. Gotta Call David and get his ears. and his touch. his flute.

Actually I dont have the pictures yet. but will soon.

Oh O
so intelligent
so Elegant

Duffy, that's an electric bass, not a guitar,
you nitwit!

What? well a bass is a bass is a bass is a base

back to yer novels, Doctor!