this |you cry good news so much it comes
this new band, band's a funny word. anyhow, its new and happening . its gonna work. rehearsals started. in conclave as usual. i did this the last time with I.O.G. the Invention of God. I have this penchant for the clandestine. anyhow this new project, or poetry ensemble is fun. guitars, electronic instrumentation. we're working on 5 pieces already. doing some dubbin over of voices with Angela. its been years since she and I worked, the last time was with Nietzsche's Daughter in 88! christ! time has flown. but we got better stuff now. interesting ideas floatin' around. studio to live to internet podcast? am not so sure of that idea as its not the sweating live body of the stage. i missed the stage and the leaping live performance. id forgotten how good it was. what release it brings. right now this is rehearsal and already i am hot with it. its a live wire through my body. spine tingles alive with the electric stretch of it. but no Name yet for us. how
many are we? for now we are six, music and two vocalists. back to the older form . one male one female vocalist. but we will lay voices down and see what strange emanations of many ensue from this electricity of the live and recorded performance.
sets and gigs being lined up: of course the slutty old home town first but already some venues in Toronto [I had put out feelers for this last year]appear in the horizon of interest toronto wld. be fun. later VanCouver then down to America. or into american. San Francisco wld.be a good debut to Amerique.
the city of so much orality.
we will see wont we dear tuckeroo. its been too long i done this. not performance becoming so to smooth over its transit ought to be interesting....
Interviewer: What do you play?
Me: I play radio and voice.
I play desire machine.
So it goes. taking the prose poem and making music of it is interesting anD combinding (a new coinage of mine found of course as always by accident-choice) this with electronica is cool a sort. of live poetry producing seducing machine.
we gotta do mp'3s with some of the rehearsal stuff. because as always they yield something more powerful _to date _ than the 'live' before a paying audience style of delivery.
once they is done we create a site, web and or blog.
all is good. well. groody. another coinage of me himself.
voice is /was a bit/tad out of shape. woman working with us is in fine voice. shes got a brain at times faster than me in the moment of concepting the best lay out for the tracking. newer digital stuff has changed how we can set the perception of the whole thing UP: ie. the Aural Event in the auditor's Ear and his body . in the Audience.
so we revel in the glee of this new found fun.
the taking of fiction into levels of audio with live over voices is going to be excitin'. then we go. to live an back to studio.
so call it studio live. the original purpose of Radio.
so then : last year adds to 4 readings: two "live" two at a distance : distance readings. into the work again with musicans.
after all I am a musican.
As are you Angela.
and the rest. vocal poets. auralists.
many are we? for now we are six, music and two vocalists. back to the older form . one male one female vocalist. but we will lay voices down and see what strange emanations of many ensue from this electricity of the live and recorded performance.
sets and gigs being lined up: of course the slutty old home town first but already some venues in Toronto [I had put out feelers for this last year]appear in the horizon of interest toronto wld. be fun. later VanCouver then down to America. or into american. San Francisco wld.be a good debut to Amerique.
the city of so much orality.
we will see wont we dear tuckeroo. its been too long i done this. not performance becoming so to smooth over its transit ought to be interesting....
Interviewer: What do you play?
Me: I play radio and voice.
I play desire machine.
So it goes. taking the prose poem and making music of it is interesting anD combinding (a new coinage of mine found of course as always by accident-choice) this with electronica is cool a sort. of live poetry producing seducing machine.
we gotta do mp'3s with some of the rehearsal stuff. because as always they yield something more powerful _to date _ than the 'live' before a paying audience style of delivery.
once they is done we create a site, web and or blog.
all is good. well. groody. another coinage of me himself.
voice is /was a bit/tad out of shape. woman working with us is in fine voice. shes got a brain at times faster than me in the moment of concepting the best lay out for the tracking. newer digital stuff has changed how we can set the perception of the whole thing UP: ie. the Aural Event in the auditor's Ear and his body . in the Audience.
so we revel in the glee of this new found fun.
the taking of fiction into levels of audio with live over voices is going to be excitin'. then we go. to live an back to studio.
so call it studio live. the original purpose of Radio.
so then : last year adds to 4 readings: two "live" two at a distance : distance readings. into the work again with musicans.
after all I am a musican.
As are you Angela.
and the rest. vocal poets. auralists.
Clifford Duffy