


ligature to crack....signature

a crackling line

time signature

It's Mozart's birthday __ strange notion. haunted concept. a death disappears you
a birth spits one out , not the usual pettiness "thought." twenty questions.
when did Mozart die, when
was he born,
was he Picasso's last cousin?
did he lunch on his way to school? was he a river
bender? did he undestand the semiosis of
chaos? what words of territory did he
pack in his pocket?
was he his body in bed? with whomever he
slept and fuck'd with ? who was hiss
wife's body? was he the sister of the god Moon,
the god Sun?

wAs Mozart the becoming ready-made object, art or otherwise?
who was Mozart
was he '[t]he voice of bird on coral '

Or 'fainted
stands for rain
her allegory of heart strain oboe...'

'the divine Mozart' How cld.there be any other.. . But divine ..
the vine crawling along from heaven
to this earth ...
ears angelic ...

vomiting readin' whats writ about him

Dead at thirty-five ....
get the work done... die...

___john Berryman _ the poet has a line in a poem, and I have never been able to recall which one, he
speaks of Mozart fainting at the age of 12 or so when someone played the trumpet too loud . read that at 18 never forgettting cutting my
ears 3o years plus...

Anyhow the CBC is doing
some good playing his music even though they dont understand it or what Mozart was or means...Mozart was a machine-man...

Mozart desire machine man :click click click not some
sentimental paranoid

not a whore this musican...


Bloggers of Mozart

the grand One
not Canadian
not even Austrian
not a

"A bit of real Mozart scribbling... "Se vuol ballare Signor Contino.. If you want to dance Mr Count... from an ariasung by Figaro (the Marraige of Figaro) ...displayed in Vienna at the "Figaro House", an apartment at the Domgasse where Mozart lived for three years."

there's a so-called Grade B Version of a Mozart film made by this guy I really cant remember his name or the name of the movie. it was about, his Mozart's death, and "showed" it seemed to me, at the time,
more of the actual event of Mozart....the Event of this force...
not this cultural appendege he's become for concert halls... radio concerts.. take him out of there... Please Listeners... move him to deserts, to alleys.. hospital wards...graveyards... jungles... where bodies lie in wait to resurrect...

what is it when Mozart is played to distinguised guests? distinguished? by what or whom? some formal wear, in a semi private institutional whore hall of the classes that define culture... culture?
play him in cancer wards... foodbanks welfare recipients... the shame of culture...or visit his music to the great gulags... mix and meet... the deaths of the world to bring , Mouth to Life.
but not even this. Nothing.

Play him to the Artic.

"Raise your ass to your mouth...ah, my ass burns like fire, but what can be the meaning of that? Perhaps a turd wants to come out...Yes, yes, turd, I know you, I see you, I feel you. What is this _ is such a thing possible?" such a gem found in A/O 325 'Having come of age, he found the means of concealing his divine essence, by indulging in scat(!)ological amusements' the God Mozart

Picture Artaud as Mozart... the hands the crazy glaring eyes...
before and after the beauty ...

Maybe only Glenn Gould understood Mozart for the last 75 years... perhaps only his ears could Hear him... and play..

Notes flying in the air
that cannot breath cannot be breathe d


besides that we get sick of him too. his operas. sweet felt deaths. lets not over do this endless sickening. those tinkling piano keys in the Magic Flute __nauseating . at times. Tink tink tink! And that yodeliing over some faint love by some German . going on and on. sorrow filled wakes to delight audiences for 250 years. How tiring.


the ears break.

The Divine Mozart becomes a motor-mouth.

Motor mouth Mozart.

Comedy in order here

Ladies and Gentlemen.

No one understands any of this. Chaos. Symphony . Piano sonatas. F major Sonata.

Comely Comedy in order
