

So Jill then ....

So Jill then found many things texted in the base of her brain's silly woof and warp the woods of her jouissance and renaissance. The night worked like timber, it shivered,
matting the preso Om and the Instanter deist worship
of goods and words. And their solider.

S ubject: Ce qui est reste d'un "texte"... apres..

From: CD

to eyebeam-list@list.thing.netSender: eyebeam-list@list.thing.net

When it came to the Punch Mona preferred fiction. But some times the author rambling around with his view point."There is Nothing to Paint, and nothing to paint with..."Beckett speaking of the Dutch painter whose name escapes me.

On Sun, 29 Feb 1998, m@ wrote:"There is no longer any p-l-a-i-n E-n-g-l-i-s-h. m@This comment prompted joy[s]. Therefore. I thank you andoffer: - [remerciements] with many tongued word retours. Word built bitswhichthat patter speak the many varitied Englishs of eloquence, viscera,plain song, lyric love and metaphor machine drive desire .several others"quotes" et texte to supplement and augment this statement.The first is a line from the American poet, Wallace Stevens." French and English constitute a single language."

Next is Tristan Tzara:fromPROCLAMATION SANS PRETENTIONL'art s'endort pour la naissance due monde nouveau"ART" - mot perroquet- remplace par DADA,PLESIAUSAURE, ou mouchoirand more of more immediate relevance to the question oflanguageet La Poesie;Le talent QU'ON PEUT APPRENDRE fait du

poete un droguiste AUDJOURD'HUItHE pOet is a druggist sampling various word forms in diverse

idiolects and patois; she tastes the words made fleshy flesh;

the verbskiss the sex as they speak twist in the tongue body of the Noun which is like the anatomy of the hand;
the poet, she is a desire. She is SpokenThought; she is

Spoken for, she is the body Mouth.This was not a Quote:
Or Rather it is an Invented Quote, a subtextual allusion sidestepping manner and intellect; She speaks the
quote of her song and her mouth sideways moves the tongue sprach-song ofebbulience. The milieu of liens and contact."Erotic Antenna" that buzz bee like in the web tissue whichmakesthe body extend/intend in Movement space. Oh Stationary Travellos.Now another "quote"In an discussion-interview given for the 1977 issue ofBoundary, Phillipe Sollers said that since Finnegans Wake "The English language no longerexists." Is it not true?How Many Englishs are there in a city like NewYork, in a city called London? The richness and abundance ofcontemporary English writing is proof enough for that. So many tongues in onelanguage; English as langua franca, english as the Latin of the 20thcentury. English as multiplicity as Deleuze and Guattari discuss this inMille Plateaux;why because English is constantly deterritorialized by thehundreds of Languages which flow through it, cutting and trans-versingit [versing it, un-versing it, per-versing it] as the desire machinesscoop and slice, releasing incredible schizo-phrenic charges of language.English no longer exists. As stable uniform and cannot ever really vebeen said to exist. English can do this because English is not ENglishbut French-English, Quebec Franglais, Irish English, and YiddishEnglish and Indian English and Chinese English, and Woman english and AnimalEnglish and Lover English and City English and Country English and Sex Englishand Cyber English and Body English.And all this is so poor poor poor poor toconvey to indicate to hint to enrich how rich and diverse and infiniteitall is a tissue of Language.P O E M AAnd no deconstruction of tongued syllable can lead but to morereterritorializedand reconstructed beauty of expression desire body lovelanguage. it is Notsomuch that there is no plain english as there neverwas but some thought there was;Some thought Magic was Dead too but that isNot so either; some called themselves philos but that was not soEitherand Or to say there is More as the Metamorphosis of Body Languagetakesplace and placing in the desire-bodies.Another quote: "I will give them back their English languagewhenI am done" James Joyce [Shem the penman]:writing to a friend aboutFinnegans Wake.We are all polyglots even if we "only" speak one language.Speaking one language is already an immense achievement. Think of themillions who cannot speak. I speak their muteness in the explosions ofeveryday violence..... Quotes from Edmond Jabes...."Silence, where the word abdicates....""will you accuse me of being a writer of death?....""To be alive at the bosom of death. To stand where air andwater are the same horizontal rhythm, said Reb Akri.""We lack creation. We lack resistance to the present. Thecreation of concepts in itself calls for a future form, for a new earthand people that do not yet exist. Europeanization does not constitute abecoming but merely the history of capitalism, which prevents thebecoming of subjected peoples. Art and philosophy converge at thispoint: the constitution of an earth and a people are lacking as thecorrelate of creation.It is not populist writers but the most Aristocratic who layclaim to this future. The people and the earth will not be found in ourdemocracies. Democracies are majorities, but a Becoming is by itsnature that which always eludes the majority. The position of manywriters with regards to democracy is ambiguous and complex...."(Deleuze and Guattari, What is Philosophy, p 108. trans. Hugh Tomlinsonand Graham Burcell, 1994)Of course we can all think of many poets and writers asexamples of this complex relation. Interestingly enough in theinter-view mentioned above wherein Sollers speaks of James Joyce he also calls him the OnlyNon ((( Shall we Not Call Him Saint Joyce Writer & Martyr asSartre said of Jean Genet, Saint Genet Actor and Martyr)))-fascist Writer of the 20th century. At least compared to hiscontemporaries Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and Wyndham Lewis. If I maysuggest what Sollers wasreferring to is that there cannot be found, either in the life of Joyceor in his writings, any trace of fascism. Joyce multiplies the languagesand sexes and this eliminates any violence and fascisms. Joyce was herwife, as Nora was her husband."Tell me tale of shem or shaun. Whowere Shem and Shaun the living sons and daughters of." (Finnegans Wake)No easy feat. Feat and defeat the molar dominators within/out.Or Nietzsche's Daughter, for instance. At the pass atTurin, or Basle.Quote: "Everyone wants to be a fascist" F. Guattari said thatin an essay and that wrote about how this desire is an example of howdesire desires its own repression. How terrible we are so bounden by theuniform desire to be the "same" to merge identity into an mass-molar fascism ofbodymind. Now cannnot language act as the tensor (Lyotard) to minoritizeand thereby slew the flows that break the molar constructions whichblocks us? YEs, yes, I said Yes, Yes, I will I will, Yes. Yes. Say Yes, Ohplease say yes. She said, Yes.
Make English flow like your fingers Beckett said he gave up writing in English because for him, it was too easy.
Too fluid."The artist ....to fail, to dare to fail as no other has.

To venture into that domain of non-being that has been neglected by all Western artists...."S. Beckett, 1958 in Three Dialogues.Ah! Les beaux jours! Ah give me the old questions. The old questions. S. B. encore. Une autre fois. Le language which we speak is theone we speak against

the speaking which we are. Speak that I may touch

you.Last but last Quote, yet one more: " Borderline, frontier which is transformed into threshhold; threshold which is transformed into frontier...redistributing forces. Po[e]tential life realized.

And a limit case of that paradox: resistance which is alsoopening;closure which is also gift; failure which is measure ofbeuaty;insurmountable distance which is Encounter." (p.77 BrachaLichtenberg Ettinger Matrix Halal[a]-Lapsus - notes on paintingMuseumof Modern Art Oxford 1993)Eurydice speaks from the border space, wander the notes of herpages as you seek silence.

There goes the word which she seeks...Ages later palimpsests of what is written appears in the dustedoffword of language. In her painting, dusted jar of memory amnesiac."There is nothing to paint, nothing to paint with." Beckett asperabove.English is not the only language I am speaking even when I amspeaking it. It speaks me and what speaks me is the mullioned terracedtongues of the tome of its words. "We" do not speak, as much as we arespoken. There is never more than that, and that is everything.Orpheus wore the day down like a sun. She, Orpheus, metEurydicein the one thousand spaces of words between the threshold which crossesinits walking.je pense a la chaleur que tisse la paroleautour de son noyau le reve qu'on appelle nous... au-dessus de la nocturne pais odeur forte nocturne paixet tant d'autres et tant d'autresClifford Duffy et tant d'autres