

as for the

as for the true pelican he said,
a comma peers across his side-burns
She is flash-back
Artaud and me my double selved
the slave
of desire bust

She shadow the avenue a word
crisps her front teeth
she is turned to that ornament
which stares there
in this gray day
is a long city
long in the tooth
with its misteries and masteries
loathing beyond choice
dominate s the view
statues, pigeons, old predaters
the clattering of heels
the Celtic Tiger
's economic heal
th's for others
as for its mothers sisters,
brothers, other exiles,
expatriates, emigrants,
refuge questers
the shamble of potato,
pause and famine .

what sense in this Archbishop?
have you brought the bread
merely to break it,
not give it,
question mark
hangs between the shades
of pilgrims' palates.

The stars trim down the Dublin night
over the Irish sea &
the Channel
in-land route s are blocked to Paris

we got out they said in
time the burning cars
wheeling in the air
like death-threats
another rage
thrusting forward a fist in our face

We Celts were not misty-eyed
favours asking for space
but marauders hacking the sty
of the dearth of love and the face

of countries burned in their hate gripped
in the final illness.

But let's not play that game of pretend lament and song we neither know where or what we go the itch blasted by our asses and pants the bloodstain where these men fell fighting Empire _ a mail box a plaque to mark
arms and mouths smoked in the calvacade of bullets. Do you know know really how to get it across a mental case like I _me could not do it, Artaud leaning in to me queries. I say without her body I am cost cost of death and less. Sans mouth to her salt taste I am the ant that mangles the pavement, a small shit to her heaven.

Not tarnished as the balcony
which over hangs the deaths
polished as the Black Irish
the humming dead ringers of baleens

the ruptured afternoon
motors the static light
guides the chair to room


Din of dunces
ovum egg
in the mask past
staggers your thought
wakens your bone
cherishes your wake .