

191 ~~ from the series

Something once upon a time was a poem that defensive itself to the desire laughslaughtits, its hearts and swords,

a cardgame with no real players, cut up over the cutsTanza of VerSifications fortifications of somber solitudes and other numbers.

'Something like her' face gazing at me that
makes me want to sex herpleasure her with me pleasured
her beaming smile holding me holding meI fantasize
what L. said -
"Find ...a... a"
thinking, no, yes, she's the one, but no,but yes, this irony is so filled
with Lust, capital L
for Love and desire; she:"I'm a compulsive smoker..."
looking at me with that big broad beaming smile,
standing over, speaking of suffocating her lungs,
and "can you give me fire..."
me correcting her. these're the fantasies of your
carrying her home, carrying them home


And Jill laughedhoarse laugh at this abrasive manner of the aching bed of salt and the quasar moons knowing a poet could mock at himself. The greees and sleeves of olden times.


she "Say there, buddy, I speak so well,
now that the moon is shining on your body,
under mine in this bed..." I have to laugh as I say it,
and say it, it's mine, lover, lover girl
minor girl. With your dress fingers and
high swinging fine swinging breasts ... Ah!
those breasts to suck! to knuckle so like a boysenberry along the tide of her selves and the spelling errors of plenty
and a laughter, the limitations of blogs and hunger,
not rhyming yer boring things
but loving them
not like a big name
but playing the game, a dame of a lover yer body
aLL a sore shoulder not pretending the words
make sense when summer is here in winter
recording the moment helding it
close to the paraplegic moment
kicking its metaphor lose and then
one more time fling yer ghostly text into mine
so we see the soldiers
their surrender is like a word skipping its place
He was between two places
one her imagined body of the now
& the other lovers unmet a gallant lover in space
the cyber tears rollin'