Moreover, the Moon --- Face of the skiespresideover our wonder.Fluorescenttruant of heavendraw us under.Silver, circular corpseyour deceaseinfects us with unendurable ease,touching nerve-terminalsto thermal iciclesCoercive as coma, frail as bloominnuendoes of your inverse dawnsuffuse the self;our every corpuscle become an elf. - Mina Loy, The Lost Lunar Baedeker:
his true Penelope was...
she saddled the unswart seas of E's and P's
lingered the street scene of old ladies and carts ...
Hispanic darling of the Sephardic dance
Modigliane in her trace
Moreover, the Moon --- Mina Loy
Face of the skies - froward of the sky
preside _ firmament of it
over our wonder. our wonder lead us knot
Fluorescent - overse the seventy thou
sands leagues
truant of heaven -- deliquent of latin and passable tongues
draw us under. under we have drawn the lines and verbs
Silver, circular corpse
your de we have drawn the cut and cape of her
her grave
infects us with unendurable ease,
touching nerve-terminals
to thermal icicles - thermal nuclear shiva
Coercive as coma, frail as bloom
innuendoes of your inverse dawn
suffuse the self; fuse the elf and brain her in-verse stiching
our every corpuscle become an elf.
Lost Lunar Baedeker: Poems of Mina Loy
Here she is wise, serene, and knowing.
in between the serendipity of Our Lady of Serenity
Here she was smiling a day in Paris
once on a many multitudinous dindin day
many a poet smiled awe
Arthur Cravan, poet, artist, boxer, man of action, love and her love to loveto love.
Here is Mina with Tristan Tzara, E. Pound, and so many others, Paul ELuaRd et tant d'autres et... Somewhere around them or in the city Joyce was writing his big 'bad books!'
Here she is with other artist, poets and friends in Paris. In the old days, on the left bank, right bank, as longas it wasnot the money bank!
What and strolling near by, whirling across thesPidery pages of his manuscripts hovered the Joyce and so many others, et tant d'autres et tant d'autres