is it not Protestant secular visions of language that seems, at least in a lot of American poetry a need to 'justify' itself as it were, the secular protestant unconscious is still religious , and in the US , that unconscious is packed with the range of American religious experience and ways of being in the world
but there are movements of all persuasions in the big potlatch of AMeRIca and Canada
But since there are no coincidences, and Canada the word is close to the word Canadada
we are a sort of Immanence culture a patchwork, a here and there a here and thereness of it
a culture of 'limits and lots'
spades and pieces, morsel cracks
stutter bots, and bits, if , no Wait I am groping here
poetry poetry poetry and more poetry and where the wolves cry
where the wolves bend their dig and song
I can't get this page to lay out the way I'd like it
Shall then Canada be the site of the great big ImmaNence Flows???
Yes I think so.
Take the Québécois thing for instance, for a moment it was a flow of immanence then it, or rather for decades now it's been a reactive reterritorialization
of forces of flow
the lines of flight spin spin they flight and flow everywhere
a milk tree
Now you're wonderingoff into vagueness. But 'Canadian' poets have been doingthings some understand for years and that others don't
where is the voice then that is one's own
can one speak of one's own when you are a part of something that is not owned, that doesn't have the usual trappings of ownership as its definition
always the same old question , Tweedledum and Tweedledee castor and pollux,
cain and able
iamblichus and his brother riamblichas
There's no suchthing I just made that up
Laughter the food of the gods the good of the gods
So now let's see what this looks like
different differnet ent as in entity' and it speaksto the sun like our smile like our ass hanging`in your hands' it bespeaks like the antiquitated"I was waiting there all night and pregnantas the pause I saw the bird standing wroughtstrong as the turf and " It was like the that herErotic spring in the `entity' I was the long songin between the mother's eyes and the drafted somethingslipped away in the shod' of thought' the gentlewomanof her country caravan and`and why nationalists make the countrya worse place' turning the screw Ulysses Odysseuss Eurydiceagain the silent mouth `her reverie and mine' like the similitude`like the simile I was the epic march of' a preposition missedmade me flung back me I cannot see the memory memorex pad ofmy disconnected dendrons `like the whirling cyclades Charybdisand Scylla it was peaked this way 'this ay' that aye that thing of iris cornea cone meek shall make pace `long gone song'her gentlewoman praise my cocks stand mast peacetired of the `bullfinches' in golden Palgreave pictogram"old books dead beat old beat dead book' I commenced to writea booke' was my other's aimknot not like ringinggg `that hand these picture'Oh cry and cairn where the loose rocks fellin the dell of her nose the swirl of her thighs sidewaysthunder terrifies thunders terrify me