ACall tO PPoetry is a Way of Life not just an expression of the Soi-Meme/trhis group now does exist yet and exists on a virtual plane and is a process of definitin and fiction . break boundaries as usualoesie as a Way of Life Un Mode De Vie Une Etat d'esprit
Poetry is a Way of Life not just an expression of the Soi-Meme/trhis group does not exist yet and exists on a virtual plane of the html and is a process of definitin and fiction . break boundaries as usual
Acallpoetryisawayof life and so many others et tant d'autres et tant d'autre
the date of deSire & Moment movement the Italian fresh desire fires of text life face... a programme not a festo... not a call but a Recall
Call back to memory to come
the figures forth of desire
daughter of the Muse
goat smoke of the boor on stage
this magic