

All and foscle



  all persons right and wrong ill see you soon Mona on the road across the axle the tune

  plays back or forward on this outward bound top and bottom the sail a cutter 




more fictions in and of the first persona



    __ yes that's you I!

_____ keep coOking

Yiu were an attractive anthropologist 

Spelling mistakes included 






It was simple to love you 

  &     fall in love

                    don't refuse




it was

 It's easy to love you
  finding you was hard yet unexpectant, as so many likewise matters
   breaking it down i don't explain because i hate common 
  cents and dollars not the bank of Canada nor dictators near and further
 North as the penguins the pelican the plebeian cry the words marshal
in their plural unpossessed order
now that i am prisoner of your building your entrapment your 'decu' how can
 I say that I am t o blame
it must be spruce to think thus
  Lady May  ree-ree doesn't know she's a bully with falsetto go-goo to voice 
a thousand sins  nor toe to toe self deceptions cries as if they
were an ululation  you need to duck
its' bad voodoo being around her it's really bad luck
you could say
short and long
shout or cry
she belongs to the liess
which burned out

she thought she had problems with relationships
  it was pride which broke her back
    love wont' come again if her head is so big 
so big it wont be back again if you leave it so long
do ray re memi  fa fa false  the rest you know
your fingers tinkle the keys classicist taught
a mean teacher booted yr ass 
its been hard since then
them not you
surely you sweat when you love its
you not them
you're not a sinner you're a Marconi cell a bit player an ebook pleader
stung by the pleasure of time
playing god at every eerie happenstance
curtsying like  a bush lady  ought to  BB or xy
you're the same flame
all over again

war is  not love
languor not desire
 desire's labour
yer the one that cries out



We and

_______ Let's be perfectly Dada --- You mean Fouist?
         admitting our songs wereshit our worse the shite of seven generations 
 however let's be dishonest it was Fouist blue futurist red anarchic black the unchosen few what say the 
light as Jeff cried his wild oats of heaped up lifes, lives as they say , they say everything don't they? is it 
so now? a sing song Ireland voice sotto voce in my head pan a dead bastard lurking in my enviable poetic states as Artaud says they won't let you room the stoning does not relent but Oui Artaud got 
stronger thank you to you and other ssssssszzzzz 
   pick out the daffodils the rose bush
   against this other attack 

Fickle them demons hurling petard on petard the stinking shrike bastards haring on the rags of your mind 
the monstrations of demonstrations of stratification against millennial molecules what flow Heraclitus ? 
   Flocky taught me to hold my pen  he taught without seeing he was 
      stuck inthe candle wax on the ball point of his bic ink rolling off page
after page
the citrus the bushes  burial 
    boysenberries at half past ten at quarter past seventeen your studio tuxedo love was there Raffi the seven burgs a woeful diet too it was Tanya with her dogs
 Alden the paintings
    the basements
suits You know what I mean, you know what I mean the scene the scene Hellespont and glory this glowing in the dark permanent pomegranate the taste of her lips decades apart nevertheless always the   
best the first best taste decades apart later after betimes ever and over over and ever thank you dear Lady An extraordinary Fou day winging south horizontal love emanatio 
the imminent tall 
above the care weir the low matter sprinkling benefit to all no caterer he was ____ _____ 





    You wrote six bad poems this week

            ain't that a shame?

    It must have been the moon

    & the VPI or some nether short circuit

          wouldn't you say?   tween the night an day

   midts of anarchic & archaic  

       tape recorders reel to reel

the futurist sings red





All  this

  I think it’s time to start  releasing


recordings in 2025 .. etc.
         work like otherzzzz is provisional, on parole,

  How could it be any other manner in this mode? Of live studio/blog performance

…move that HTML  baby move that       ht arse/which hearse looming headfirst down the low road 

 the world is a genocidaire             created a bell in heaven’s despite brunfelsia’s groom

   The yields of glory

Seen their better day …

Or has it?

To know fouism is common and ordinary like dada was hoped to be … a common place for all


To know the allure of the commons is to know that one is not simply commencing something but instead fortunate enough to be participating in something vaster, partial, incomplete, and ever expanding. —José Muñoz, “The Brown Commons”

  The above puts me in mind of what Paz wrote about the world wide anonymous poem of which each of us  of us is a party  poetry he wrote being neither greater nor smaller..

 All the lord ds people quelle be prophets.  As Jeremiah it was sang 
&Lauretromon poetry will be made by all or none…

A quite ordinary day unlike any other..  entrances exits..



thee blogs known and less known


Speak to me


a sonnet machining



~~ Ahm 2 DifferEnt Song





Ahm runnin aroun' in thee snowy naked. C u earliIsh lAtER

----------------------------------------------------------- Print please? Please print?   keep yr nose flat and yr screen hide  as which to see/like see width?

breadth and heigth


_________________ what you see is not what you get

 what you see







wood as this under the worn saying it won't and it day it's nap your heart sees works no lust opens your boding can't pair revolution de tenement buildings breath take the heirloom of skies pretends its notion of broken tigers lions lest griffons 



join wrestling peace cried out weakness of their thought my artistic soul toy to my london 67 trapped on the tears the to its present time an ocean away May it and break blue moon you saw we sat begging the air more something to fit the dragged out brood nearness to rear bush everyday what men can cry by lightening not the song of __________



_ O in the 'Looks' waters of freeman buried / near any patch of their union over the swarm thatched roof in Y's chune a pheasan t spied my eye from lions long my love hammered carried blinkers women been alive the at any venture jagged Japanese the terrible trap of dawn many men scream confecting to me heart burn ______ Let's see how this arrogant 

the gap between this and the 'achieved' result or effect


Lets not name it a 'draft' rather versions of the text as its displayed from differing view points


w which one seems to work better for me    and presumably  some hypothetical reader/listener



mice and plague the liede   tenement buildings  breath take the heirloom of skies pretends its notion of broken tigers ______ Let's see how this arrogant lions lest griffons join wrestling peace from lions long my love hammered at any venture jagged Japanese the cried out weakness of their thought their 
union over the something to fit the dragged out day it's nap your heart sees what men can cry by lightening terrible trap of dawn many men carried blinkers women been alive the time an ocean away May it works no lust opens your boding brood nearness to rear bush everyday saying it won't and it 
can't pair revolution london 67   trapped on swarm thatched roof in Y's chune not the song of ___________ O my artistic soul toy to my and break blue moon you saw the tears the to its present a pheasan
t spied my eye in the 'Looks' waters of freeman we sat begging the air more scream confecting to me heart burn buried / near any patch of wood as this under the worn throng of needs nor daily thunder of lakes by this disturbance this turn it a thread stitching the worn number woof trembled terrace building winters Oh the slums of 71& 82 the thunderbolt the aviator not style's yelpin' as by the t he page's hidden errant To seven heaven to have gone their howl and yowl their 



that 1st sonnet


It's going to need 'looking at ' as the   'English say ' in England and not 

   in Montreal's broken butchered English, hemmed in . as it is,

_______  As a  prose poem it changes  with other changes


4 or FIve sonnets which were / not for the first time/

I wrote them,in October? in a week? yes, and that was like Leibniz Fairy tale the long 100, 000 word Prose poem , which,yes begins, a  faux, or false, yeah, sonnet and the first no the second, starts by posing the question of sonnet?_____________________________________
begins, a  faux, or false, yeah, sonnet and the first no the second, starts by posingthe question of sonnet? 
egins, a  faux, or false, yeah, sonnet and the first no the second, starts by posingthe question of sonnet?
 a sonnet you   could say is a haunted room ,     just like all books of poetry,
are, haunted by all formats of previous,  haunted by the formatting of the 'book' 
  the printed table, the written word and its ordered huerrichy yes yes hurry archy
howe3ver  with a book like thE prose poem that was finnegans wake
one has to ask
or ones ask, you ask, does a really possible now?
 is it likely?  he gave the keys in the last pages of his Wake
the  keys given, i think is the phrase
                                                                           ivy poison ivy hangs on the shade of the vowel,
the tree consonant, the busted
 ?  he gave the keys in the last pages of his Wake
the keys

  Can sonnet effect deterritorializations? of mutant poetic matter? does an object fly from its subject a bounce of air 

clearing the bar,

checkin the sun

Is it unlike the damage caused by Hegelian dialectics adn its insufferable contradiction machine

something opens up the simultaneous codes?

