

and all this

Cp and all this about un peu de fiction? what is this ? are you saying? Are you laying a milieu for your work or suggesting your work is cross-sected texted with it already ?

CDuffy __ ye s and yes and yes, each space of the keyboard freesa

possible morphem or semantic junction and the sepration of

vowsElllszzzzzzzzzzzzzz and speech makes the difference . Dig, so the

fictions bust out of that. maybe . So, des morceaux, yes. Bit parts and
burrows rambling under the terrain of the boring obvious.

Cp______ and the other nous who are the ends of ourselves they too are you they? Vous êtes eux? les autres vous? and yer keyboard's french is abominanimaux!

CDuffy________yes the mouth precedes itself in walking and the life accordingly. makes perfect sense to my sense of what rational myth in its secular form disorganizes. In my own write other words : 'Mais si ! Il faut apprendre à se couper en petits morceaux'
Courtesy of the owners of rhizomatics its not as easy as it appears. Its like a body connecting to another.
