how long
how long did it take the earth to find its name?
a million years neighbourly names were naming names
poets werent having a day in court and the soft pedallers of
something and another werent lending credit cards nor were captive women
hung in prison nor the stockade and the yanked rope
clean but the block powered its ruth
yet the blood and
the others were there someoff in the spare part
we warlocked wracked on the fortune of death hanging on the universe we
were outer spaced farther than the eight black balled by boring despotry
and we rang opening doors that looked invisible yet we knew something tapped
was there not language and its 'deep dark' rule or its principle of navigation and power
and there were more etcetera as the i m not sure you follow you see? our heir
was wrong and more like we had seen the upside and no earth was hanging us back
the earth gone belly up we moved the space vehicles on charging the mate in
the first cabin heading out heading heading out we
dictator god and despot complying compulsive not invited