My whore's been many bodies
but none thine as betwitched
your emails came came came
coming song a came throng
bodies on the air
your mouth came mine
cameo come commingle
of this you were envious
yer south thigh neglected
its eastern pole west to east
thigh of rib hipped to your addiction Me Me Me
you loved this thing
paradise wanting so much your body grappled by your papa dada fix oedipus america miss
take your typical victim claiming lefty politicque.
old time radio had a gag once . it was you.
really yes., it was her. has you up her ass.
her sleeve her sleeve like any other french language
whore bore three children to her saying. shes married to 20 years and a handful more less than nine. its old berry school gets
her whoring done. down bastard. wanted to her hold her her hold her hold her ass.
was a quotient of question mark.
in canadada the whoring's less eventful desire denies own
name more readily in the word multicultural being a euphemism for
hopscotch, globe, hair-line, come to me , quick, soft your adverb!
cut the cake, glimspe these thee rayon, didldo deep dusk up his ass, she swanked his cuck, double delved her tong, crucifixe bitextual rumour, as wish to want a parliment to gush platonic, or say
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