________________ and it shows some nice sceneries de of Montreal. A funny city. Montreal. Un ville comique et lourde et aussi bien belle~
Dir. Denys Arcand
Cast includes Lothaire Bluteau, Robert Lepage, Rémy Girard, Johanne-Marie Tremblay and Catherine Wilkening.
---------------- a tht end of the film. he dies in the Metro. The actor playing Jesus in the movie. I used to live near that oratory. its a horrible place at day, but quite splendid at night. Montreal villes des esprits catholique et tant d'autres et tant d'autes....
------------------ And the voice of this hard French Canadian( I refer to the woman who is speaking of the stations of the cross...)is captured so well. Nothing so hard as a french canadian woman's voice
nor nothing as pure as the voice when happy.
But this is true of all Peoples.
et ta voix, toi la, dans ton corps et tes seins et tes mains
et les villes et les autre villes
le presque proche ville plus proche a moi que des autres
le plus proche presque ville a montreal