


the truck drivers

are from o uterspace

not narcotized like the present moment

Last Sunday I fished i n the big St Laurent river

not f ar or lon g

(I was no Fisher King)

it was like bei ng a kid

with friends who showed me how to reel
the rod

it was funny

it's the same river which flows out of Montreal

up to Q ue bec city outo the Atlantic over and over
an d eventually all the way to Eu rope and France

lady there i k ow whose secret name
I rarely say out loud
(yet in my mou th)

whose name
is a ring

i n my pitter patter heart

whose city is far

this lady I call vou s et toi toi vo us vou s toi

elle est proche loins proche loins
elle est presque proche
et presque loins

et en
veritie elle est tousjours proche
elle est proche presque cinema veritie

on faisait des jeus
des mots

o n faisait des beaus choses
elle est proche

de moi
a ma cote
jours et
vous est pas un bon poete en francais
oh well j'essai
e realitie je suis poet e 2 e de ux anglais fra ncais
f ra cais eglish


I will call her presqe vous proche

proche de vous

elle est proche
de nous

elle approche
de notre


Mister D_ yer computer is not as fast as before

yes its tru e
mais pas elle elle n'est pas une erreu r


and yer dissertation?

I am getting ready for the defense in October

it took yo u a lo n g time

yes yes a time time

is it good?

yes yes

and rich will i t make yo u rich?
yes rich rich rich

Ca n I see it when you complete the defense?

Yes I ll give it to you


I will stand
on my head



at the whole world!

(here is something funn y)

I am Rimbaud's

yer crazy!


but I am not serious

& yr collages?

yes yes may but no time `

sshhhhhhhh~~~~~~~ Time is a w ave coming to yo u~

series: la presque vous toi et toi

