


' we have ceased fighting anything
or anyone __'

cease and desist the eyes
narrow for the page
its engagement
a rare stare
to fortune's eyes
a poodle waltzing in rain
in Paris

as greeted i was by Tristan
his lover stood by her
in the rain
it was the awkward achieve
of its farandola
and the near miss
of things
and winding about
or overing after
concluding since
not prating its shamble beneath
such beseech was not
fair gander for the two remained
mancled by hankering

or when
he said to us
its hoarse wind in the cold
heart of Ethics its pray
as J backed in the hole

it would play
its own up keep
a simple sailor to love her lips
something aside the belvedere
terracing down
its crowdy miss
of hither come happy
its hip mit bliss